Pouch Belt Mount
Ever have a pouch that just didn't molle/malice snug to your belt? Ever want to be able to swap those pouches between belts but hate weaving & unweaving molle?
The Pouch Belt Mount (PBM) solves this problem by utilizing the "belt pass thru loop" found on most gear manufacturers pouches. Simply slide the PBM thru the belt pass thru and you're all set. The one wrap velcro on the PBM will still allow full velcro contact between your inner and outer belt and since we don't want to waste any belt space you can weave the velcro thru (optional if belt design allows) the outer belts molle webbing which allows you to still have that column open for any other pouches you need to attach.
informational video on YoutTube
Additional Info
PBM is made for 2 column and 3 column pouches